[email protected] +1 (321) 821-7313

What We Do

Bitstream Innovations is a software application developer and custom software services provider focused on delivering software success to our customers and clients.

Bitstream Innovations Office Sign
  • Products

    • ID Incognito - Online phone and email aliases for end-consumer privacy protection
  • Software Consulting Services

    • Scalable, high performance enterprise architecture
    • Data modeling and custom schema development
    • User experience design
    • Cross-platform application development
    • Mobile applications
  • Information Security Consulting

    • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
    • Best practices consulting
      • Aligning security infrastructure to business goals
      • Integration of multiple security controls
      • Incident management and reporting

ID Incognito

Companies have information they want to protect. We should know — we've spent over 25 years helping them do exactly that! As individuals, we also have information we want to protect. ID Incognito was developed to help meet this need. The service provides phone and email aliases to hide your real contact information from marketers and vendor registrations online.

Working like a P.O. Box for your phone and email, ID Incognito aliases receive text messages and emails on your behalf, and forwards them to your real contact info (if you want). If you reply, the service receives the replies and forwards them for you, so your real phone number and email address remain confidential.

ID Incognito Logo ID Incognito Tag Line


Our specialties are data protection, privacy, and information security. We are experts at real-time information security & network management, analysis, and reporting for any size application and most commercial hardware platforms, including mobile and cloud computing platforms. We build security, privacy, reliability, and scalability into every application we create.

Software Development Consulting

We have decades of experience working with both small and large companies to deliver innovative, high quality products that range from small, purpose-built software components to distributed, world-class enterprise software solutions.

We are able to cover all phases of product development, from development infrastructure planning, to product roadmap, architecture and design, to implementation, project management, quality assurance and product marketing and delivery.

We provide organizational flexibility, efficient project management and creative software solutions, always with the goal of providing the highest quality service, on-time.

Information Security Consulting

We've been computer security experts longer than the world wide web has been in existence! Our experience has shown that competent information security involves more than just technology; it also requires solid process and talented people.

We can come alongside existing staff to provide insight and guidance in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), defense-in-depth, regulatory compliance, integration of multiple security controls, and incident management and reporting.

We realize security goals must be aligned with core business goals, so we work closely with our clients to ensure their specific information security and privacy needs are met.

Let's Talk!

It all begins with an email or a phone call. Contact us and we'd be happy to explore the best ways we can apply our software and security expertise to your project!

Our Team

Reed Harrison

Co-founder & Principal

Reed Harrison is a Principal and co-founder of Bitstream Innovations, LLC. He is the former Chief Technology Officer, ISM Solutions for Novell Corporation. Prior to Novell, Reed was the Chief Technology Officer for e-Security, Inc., which he co-founded in 1999.

For more than 35 years, Reed has served as an innovator and recognized specialist in the information security industry. He holds a patent on network-based intrusion detection in his name. Prior to starting e-Security he served eight years as Chief Security Officer at a Fortune 500 company, where he built and successfully deployed global security processes and standards and established enterprise level security and compliance programs.

Reed has written numerous articles and is a recognized speaker on enterprise security, risk management, and compliance.

Chris Wilson

Co-founder & Principal

Chris Wilson is an entrepreneur with 30 years of professional experience in enterprise software development. In 2010, he and long-time colleague Reed Harrison founded Bitstream Innovations, LLC to focus on developing cutting edge solutions to a wide variety of daily business challenges. In 2003, Chris founded SecurityNexus, LLC, a software company focused on serving the needs of the enterprise security information management (SIEM) industry.

Prior to SecurityNexus, Chris was Vice President of Engineering for e-Security, Inc., a company he co-founded in 1999 with Reed Harrison. E-Security was the pioneering company in the security information management industry, a status recognized in its acquisition by Novell (now part of Microfocus) in 2006. Before e-Security, Chris held software leadership positions within Harris Corporation, where he led R&D projects in network management and information security. In this capacity, he architected patented network surveillance technology in the mid-1990s with the development of the first commercially available network intrusion detection product, his first collaboration with Reed Harrison.

In 1998 Chris also served as one of three private sector representatives to the National Defense Industrial Association's Information Assurance Executive Committee, which was chartered to provide information assurance guidelines for the US Department of Defense.

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